Wednesday, March 24, 2010

MND CLOTHING & The Kabuki Mob

Kabuki is Japanese. It came from the word kabuku, with means, to lean or to be out of the odinary.

The Kabuki Mob is a gang of art fashion, designer, makup artist, and photo people in Charlotte that does some really crazy high art, innovative shit in the name of art, and fashion.


MND RatPack, I think i name it that in the honor of the Rat Pack. The 60's, The Ocean's Eleven Crew,.. Yeea Cool Cats.

MND CLOTHING- Mandy Escort

I name my clothing b/c......... it just feel like it. What Mandy Escort is to is a sassy girl out in the nightlife having fun. So thier. Cleo people made the dress that is worn by Iyana Abusamra very k-a-pow model (I painted her 3 years ago in a painting)!
The other dress at the very to was made by Cleo, and did by your truly. Janine Davis from POWER 98 radio station bought the dress.


A skirt that cleo made, and i did my thing on, every one loved it! Cleo (or Aquiyla) is a Clothing designer in Charlotte. She seen my Clothing on Myspace, After that we been Calabo-in ever since.

MND Clothing

Keeta, and (I for get the model name but she has an hell -of-an-leg) Colab with MND